Ham Radio

I earned my ham radio licence on 21st August 1979 and chose the call sign VK6AD. I’ve had the same call sign ever since.

I’ve been involved in various associations including the Wireless Institute of Australia, WA VHF Group, WA Repeater Group, WA Digital Communications Association. For the past few years I’ve been severely distracted by aviation interests but will eventually get back to ham radio.

Fox Hunting

Rob VK6LD (ex VK6JRC) has been instrumental in reviving fox hunting in WA. Charlie VK6ZCK and I recently attended a late afternoon introduction to fox hunting at Kings Park where we wound a few familiar old names and a few very enthusiastic newcomers. That prompted me to do a quick search through my computer archives and I came across some useful files.

Fox Hunting 2004 – a powerpoint presentation that I must have given to the VHF Group in 2004.
A design for a vehicle-mounted 3-element yagi.
A snoop loop detector-amp by Barry VK6ZSB.